Saturday, 14 April 2012

9. Weight loss!

Hello everyone! I hope you're all well. My last post was written when I was in a pretty bad place so I'm sorry if it upset any of you. My Mum's condition has improved a little and I've managed to get a fair amount of revision done over the holidays so all this equals a happy Mancunian sheep! Hopefully you've all had a good Easter. The title of this post is not a late April Fool's. I have actually lost 9lbs during the past 7 weeks. I think most of this has been down to stress and the fact that I've been eating earlier. I reckon there will be a Brunch diet phenomenon. I have only been to the gym once this year (2 weekends ago) and had a pretty good workout but I am pretty active anyway. I walk to and from college everyday and pretty much walk to all the local amenities. As a fast walker (something I can thank my Mother for), it does become a rather vigorous workout at times than a nice, relaxing stroll. I'm sort of waffling now, sorry! This post is a bit random because I thought it would be nice to update regular readers on what I've been up to. I have a busy day tomorrow. I'm off to watch the Hunger Games with my best friend and as a reward for this weight loss, I can finally buy my summer wardobe. Now because of the name of this blog, some of you may have assumed that I am either a City or a United fan, well I am a Red but a Liverpool fan! Tomorrow is the semi final of the FA cup against our biggest rivals, Everton and I'm praying that we win despite having neither Reina or Doni but hopefully Brad Jones and the rest of the lads will do the Kop proud. This may be the last post for a while because my final half term at sixth form starts this Monday so my evenings will consist of very little but revision. Also, the new series of Made in Chelsea started 2 weeks ago, do any of you watch it? I must say it is my guilty pleasure and can't get enough of Caggie and Millie. I'm going to try and put up a post a week to update you all on the life of a Mancunian sheep which was my original intention when I made this blog. As it's been so long since I put up a proper post interacting with readers, here are a few goodies for you. As in previous posts, I've recommended a music video to songs that I cannot get out of my head!
This song has been in my head for the past 3 weeks:
And here's something to make you laugh so none of you darlings feel as upset as I was:

You'll find it funniest if you're a Potter fan like me, if you're a Muggle then hopefully you'll still crack a smile ;)
Who said I didn't spoil you because here is my recent favourite fashion purchase:
It's the green maxi skirt (other colours are available) from Littlewoods, it cost £21 and it's gorgeous. The material's so silky and you get a free belt too! Bargain :D I would've uploaded a link to it so anyone who was interested but the Littlewoods website is under construction -_-

Anyway, it's 12.20am so I must get some beauty sleep. I hope you've enjoyed reading and remember to come back soon!

Love, Mancunian Sheep x